Corn | Allergy


by Allergy Guy





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1 Guest July 27, 2009 at 15:20

Corn allergy

About 25 years ago I figured out I was allergic to corn — was reading Dr Doris Rapp’s book on allergies and some of the symptoms she listed and non-standard matched how I felt after eating pop-corn —
when I removed it from my diet (99% corn free) — my daily migraine headaches went away, along with a host of other symptoms that a doctor would have loved to put me on forever meds for. All symptoms cleared up within 1 month of excluding corn from my diet.

In retrospect, my symptoms had increased for a number of years – as food manufacturers began the switch from cane sugar to corn syrup. I now, as a mater of course read every label in the store – even if the item was safe before..


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