Celiac Disease Associated Autoimmune Endocrinopathies | Allergy

Celiac Disease Associated Autoimmune Endocrinopathies

by Allergy Guy

Celiac Disease Associated Autoimmune Endocrinopathies, a scientific paper, discusses several diseases that are loosely coupled with celiac disease.

In other words, people diagnosed with certain diseases have a much higher chance of having celiac disease than the general population.

This is important because managing the celiac disease by going on a gluten free diet will have a positive effect on theses other diseases, and will generally improve your health.

The diseases discussed in this paper are all autoimmune endocrine disorders as follows:

  • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  • Thyroid autoimmunity
  • Parathyroid
  • Addison’s disease
  • Polyglandular autoimmunity
  • Infertility

With the exception of infertility, which may have many different causes, these disorders are all autoimmune diseases, meaning the body’s own immune system fighting against itself.

Celiac disease seems to involve a kind of autoimmune response triggered by eating gluten in certain individuals.

Most people who are aware of celiac disease know that when a celiac eats gluten, the gut breaks down, with symptoms like boating, malabsorption of food, diarrhea and a host of related symptoms.

When a celiac eats gluten, there are many other complications that can arise  – this effects all organs in the body.

What many people don’t know is that the only symptoms of celiac disease for some people are some seemingly unrelated autoimmune disease as listed above.

One effect is to possibly trigger, or make worse certain autoimmune diseases.

There are actually several possibilities: that eating gluten triggers other autoimmune diseases in celiacs, or that the other diseases make some people more susceptible to celiac disease, or that some how two conditions (celiac disease and diabetes for example) somehow travel together genetically.

This paper notes that for certain diseases, there is a 10x to 30x increased chance of having celiac disease, compared to the general population.

This paper does not cover every disease where celiac should be more closely tested for.

The paper is by Vijay Kumar, Manoj Rajadhyaksha and Jacobo Wortsman.

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1 Carol January 30, 2012 at 08:56

I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Eurythematosis in 1992. Then in 2005 i was diagnosed with Coliac disease..3 years later i was diagnosed with lymphacytic colitis..my question is are they all related? or does one disease then lead to another..


2 Allergy Guy January 30, 2012 at 11:58

It could well be that for you, celiac plus gluten leads to the other problems. Eliminating gluten should help but I don’t know enough to tell you if cutting gluten will reverse your other problems.

Do please keep us updated and remember to follow a strict gluten-free diet!

Good luck


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