Asthma Food Allergy Connection | Asthma Trigger | Allergy

Asthma and Food Allergies Connection

by Allergy Guy

Does asthma have a connection to food allergies? Very clearly it does, as thousands of people seem to be discovering on their own.

This website already has collected several hundred comments related to this.Some triggers, like peanuts are well known.  After all, asthma appears to be an allergy symptom, and peanuts are a common food allergen.

Some people are very frustrated in trying to find their asthma triggers, but they are not properly directed by their health care professionals to fully explore all possible allergies.

The fact is, you can be allergic to nearly everything, from latex to metal, from apples to members of the zoology department (that would be the animals, not the professors!).

I’m quite serious about the zoology bit, I also have hundreds of comments from people who are allergic to meat.

A big trigger for many people is gluten.  Cutting out wheat, barley, oats and rye can reduce or even eliminate asthma symptoms for a great number of people.  The comments on this website are just a small sampling, since not everyone who visits leaves a comment, not everyone who has discovered this problem have found this website, and a great number of asthmatics probably have no idea that the could reduce or eliminate their asthma by eating gluten-free.

It seems that gluten allergy is fairly common for those with asthma.

What is your experience with food allergies and asthma?  Have you found certain foods to trigger asthma?  What foods?  What help did you get from your doctor in discovering your asthma triggers?

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1 Brandon July 3, 2012 at 09:41

Glad I found this site, good reading on here!

I have a son who is 6 yrs old that we think might by Gluten sensitive. He’s been dealing with stuffy noses, coughing, flem, sneezing every morning, complains of stomach aches at night. Our doctor thought is was seasonal allergies but it doesn’t seem to stop with seasons anymore. All the doc would do is tell us to buy Clariton or other allergy meds over the counter, which we didn’t give much because it’s a cover up not a fix. We just recently started him gluten free which is not easy since he loves bread!

Now to add to the mix he had what I would consider a asthma attack after running the bases in a baseball game. He got really scared, and so did we, because he couldn’t breath. No wheezing, but he couldn’t get enough air and it took him at least 20 minutes to catch his breath. Then he had a cookie that one of the moms brought for a snack and due to the excitement we forgot about the flour. We got home and he complained that his stomach hurt and we noticed a light rash on his shoulders and chest. Hmmmm.

I found this website last night after doing research on asthma and gluten. It comfirmed my thought that there could be a connection. I read Wheat Belly by Dr. Davis and remember reading about a connection of the the two.

We are taking him in to a new doctor now and going to get him tested. Our new doc said the test aren’t fool proof but my gut tells me wheat is the culprit.

Any thoughts???



2 Allergy Guy July 9, 2012 at 22:13

Your new doc is right – tests are not fool-proof. So you’re off to a good start with him.

In your case, the best test is to take your son off all wheat and see if he improves. This may take weeks, even a couple of months for all symptoms to disappear, and the clock gets reset to zero if he eats so much as a crumb (or less).

I encourage you to put him on a gluten-free diet, and your doctor sounds very sensible, far more so than many of the other doctors that people describe and complain about on this website.


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