Air-Borne Allergies | Allergy

Air-Borne Allergies

by Allergy Guy

All entries below this section are devoted to air-borne allergies and how to control them.

Where as food allergies are largely a matter of controlling what you eat, controlling air-borne allergies involves the difficult task of managing air quality. Good air quality is good for everyone, and bad air quality makes everyone tired, so at least everyone benefits from improving air quality.

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1 Deb October 20, 2010 at 02:21

I have a Sensitivity to Airborn Mould. When exposed, I become Hypersensitive to other substances in the environment. The smell of people’s washing powder, soaps, aftershaves and deoderants can be extreme. It often smells as if people have been swimming in a pool of perfume.
The pain goes up one nostril, causing pain, leading to headache. The smells get more intense and if i then breath through my mouth my throat gets sore. My concentration level drops. I am frustrated by this.
Does anybody out there now how to help alleviate my symptons?


2 Allergy Guy October 20, 2010 at 10:46

Sounds nasty, Deb.

It sounds like allergy overload.

Allergies are a kind of stress, and the more allergic reactions and stress that you experience, the worse the symptoms tend to be.

Do your best to reduce your exposure to everything you know you’re allergic to, including foods. You probably have food allergies, even if you aren’t aware of them, so find out what they are. You can start with the $elimination diet$.

Do your best to reduce stress. Not easy I know, but do your best.

Drinking baking powder mixed with water can reduce allergy symptoms. Not a pleasant drink, but not horrible either. See if it helps.


3 Amanda March 9, 2010 at 00:40

I also have an airborne allergy. hear is some advice.

I have a severe allergy to nuts. which i developed when i was 15. Even if someone in the room eats anything containing the product.. i go into anaphylactic shock. It seems as though you also have an airborne allergy. My suggestion to you would be to immediately see an allergist. You may need to carry an epi pen or two around with you. Also, keep benadryl near by. (or any antihistamine) Each reaction you have will only continue to get worse, if you aren’t now going into full blown anaphylactic shock, it is important you avoid popcorn. I hope this has helped you, and good luck in the future.


4 Dawn September 20, 2012 at 17:13

Hi Amanda,

I read your post and am curious to know why to avoid popcorn. My son has a nut allergy and I’m trying to figure out how to know if it can turn to airborne. He just started kindergarten and I’m concerned about that.


5 Jenna February 1, 2010 at 03:39

Can a corn allergy be air-borne?

I have recently become allergic to corn after the birth of my son. Usually my tongue swells and I get bumps down the side of my tongue.

Tonight my hubby made some microwave pop corn and started to eat it beside me. My tongue started to swell!!!! I did not touch one piece of pop corn nor my husband who was eating it.

Has anyone heard of this before.. I’m quite worried I’m never going to get to go to the movies ever again.

Any help and info on this allergy would be really appreciated.



6 Karen Jasper May 20, 2009 at 19:20

air bornne nut allergies

Can peanut/tree nut allergies be air bornne and if so how does one prevent a reaction?


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