Nausea | Yeast | Allergy | Allergy

Is Nausea a Yeast Allergy Symptom?

by Allergy Guy

Gary asks:

Hi Doug,

i was telling a colleague how i feel sick most mornings, usually about an hour after eating toast, i also have a couple of beers after work, so i do have a regular intake of yeast, my colleague suggested it could be a yeast allergy.

however after reading your website it doesn’t mention nausea, could it be possible that my sickness could be yeast related?

Doug’s Allergy Answer…

Note: This is my opinion and is not to be taken as qualified medical advice.

Based on what you have told me, you may have an allergy, this possibility can not be eliminated. Of course there are many other possible reasons for your feeling sick.

Since this site is about allergies, let’s go forward assuming you have an allergy.

First of all, allergy symptoms can take many forms. There is not define list of symptoms for a particular allergy that all people experience. So while many people with a yeast allergy may not have nausea as a symptom, you might.

Secondly, there are any number of allergens that might be causing the problem: yeast, gluten, or wheat for a start, although it could be none of these, or some of them plus a few others.

See the article on self-testing for allergies as a starting point to see if you can self-diagnose the problem, again assuming you have allergies, which you may, or you may not. Also, take a look at some of the most common food allergens as other foods may be causing your problems.

I hope this helps!

Comments welcome if anyone has further advice or for elaboration.

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1 fiona August 25, 2011 at 11:48

i feel very nauseus after eating anything with thick batter on it and was wondering was this due to white flour or the yeast in the batter.


2 Allergy Guy August 29, 2011 at 21:35

If it is just thick battered food (not bread, pasta, pastries etc.), I would suspect the high intake of fat as being a problem. This may even indicate a problem with one of your organs, so you may wish to see a doctor about it.


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