Allergy Symptoms | Eczema | Allergy

Eczema Allergy Question

by Allergy Guy

Deepesh asks:


my name is deepesh, age 22/m my problem is in my whole body not daily but day after day swell lite red spot in my body, that is not fix aria so please suggest me medicine.( my test report couse of allergy is wheat please suggest medicine ) please please dr. send me your suggest medicine name and taking suggetions .

Doug’s Allergy Answer…

Note: This is my opinion and is not to be taken as qualified medical advice.

Hi Deepesh

Thanks for your question. First, let me be clear: I am not a doctor! Secondly, I do not advocate allergy medicine, when alternatives are available.

You say that the allergy symptoms are caused by wheat? My suggestion is that you stop eating wheat. If wheat is causing the problem, then it is eliminating wheat, not taking allergy medicine that should solve your allergy problem.

I hope this helps!

Comments welcome if anyone has further advice or for elaboration.

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1 maria February 10, 2009 at 12:22

My grandson is breaking out

My grandson is breaking out with the rash, eczema also,
question, has your son got rid of the rash?
an answer would bee apreceated.


2 Anonymous April 10, 2008 at 23:00

Eczema Allergy

My son was breaking out in Eczema Rash. It was due to consumption of sweet patatoes and carrots.


3 Karen August 23, 2007 at 09:05


I am not a doctor but have found for both myself and my allergic child, oatmeal baths help. Oatmeal baths can help rashes however if you have severe hives look out for anaphilactic reactions.

Put several tablespoons of oatmeal (organic if you have it) in a clean coffee grinder, whizz. about two tablespoons in a hot to warm bath and soak. Whizz Oatmeal for the same amount of time as coffeee beans store unused powder in sealed container. There are Oatmeal powders on the market but they have other things in it, that you may or may not want on your skin, this is also cheeper.


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