Allergy Professional Help | Allergy

Professional Help

by Allergy Guy

So you have allergies, or suspect you might. Where do you turn to for help?

If you are lucky, your family doctor may be able to refer you to an allergist who can go beyond scratch testing and antihistamines. These approaches have their place, but there is a lot more to managing allergies that the few tools that main-stream medical though is willing to embrace.

This section relies on user support to make it grow. Do you know a great allergist in your city? Do you know an allergist so fantastic that you are willing to drive two hours for a visit?

Please share your experiences here. Leave a comment, with the name, location and contact information of your allergist. Please indicate what type of practice they run.

There are a variety of approaches to dealing with allergies, and different health professionals have different types of training. Please indicate the type of training or certifications your suggested health professional has obtained.

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