Peanut Allergy - Chocolate | Allergy

Peanut and Nut Free Chocolate

by Guest Writer

By Karen Blue

Chocolate and peanut butter go together, not however for the nut allergic. Over the past several years some manufactures have sold “made in nut free facilities” chocolates, mostly on-line at first. These products can be found in online stores.

Some On-line nut free chocolate:

Major Canadian food manufactures such as Nestle, Dare and even Presidents Choice have put nut free products on grocery shelves. They usually have a peanut free icon on their products. Industry standard for nut free has become an image of a Peanut with a slash through it. Some products have “made in nut free facility” after the ingredient listing, without the icon.

Some Main Stream chocolate bars that have become nut free (Canada only). Always read labels carefully!

  • Aero Kit Kat
  • Coffee Crisp
  • Mars

The United States has been slow to follow this trend. This has inspired business like Peanut Free Planet to start up. Peanut Free Planet ships large amounts of Canadian nut free products to their warehouse, then to people’s houses across the United States. They also sell specialty nut free chocolates and other products.

You may ask what started this nut free, may contain allergy labeling. In 1997 the Canadian federal government agreed to a “precautionary labeling policy.” They allowed manufacturers to place the “may contain traces of peanuts” or other allergens on their products. This allowed people with peanut allergies and other allergies to reduce the risk, of cross contamination. It should be noted that the “may contain” is NOT MANITORY, so if something does not say “may contain” this does not mean a product is allergen free.

Karen Blue runs the avoiding milk protein website.
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1 Corralee August 12, 2008 at 19:30

Peanut Free Planet

Hello Everyone! I have used for years and finally I get to help them get the word out about their products. I am the Broker for them now and if anyone out there needs anything, please contact peanut free planet directly or e-mail me at

We are eager to help in your daily needs for yummy allergy safe treats. Good Luck ! ~


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