Allergy Professional Help Directory | Canada | Allergy

Allergy Professional Help Directory – Canada

by Allergy Guy

Allergy Professional Help Directory – Canada

Allergy help in Canada. Directory sorted by city. Please add your suggestions in the comments section.


Dr. John Molot
Environmental medicine
Phone: (613) 521-2391 #150

Dr. Jennifer Armstrong
Environmental medicine
Phone: (613) 721-9800

(Visited 1,805 times, 1 visits today)

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1 Richard Hudon February 4, 2011 at 14:20

Do you know about the many health impairments caused and aggravated by Artificial Drinking Water Fluoridation (ADWF). A group has been formed in Ottawa as in many other Canadian communities to get ADWF banned in Ottawa. Though at one time falsely hailed by the CDC as one of the greatest health achievements of the 20th century, the facts are now overwhelming to the contrary. See our web site and the Fluoride Action Network at [link broken -Ed] for more information. See our health effects data sheet at


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