Allergy Cure | Allergy

Allergy Cure: Potential To Reduce Severe Allergic Reactions

by Allergy Guy

Allergies seem to be on the rise. For many, this is anywhere from a minor to a major inconvenience. But for some, allergic reactions can be so severe that they are dangerous or fatal.

This poses a challenge to people with severe allergy symptoms: what if they come into contact with the allergen, despite their best efforts? This can feel a little like crossing the road with blocked ears and a blind-fold.

Dr. Peter Vadas, at St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, Canada) has confirmed that an enzyme which reduces the severity of allergic reactions in animals is also effective in humans.

PAF Acetylhydrolase

The PAF acetylhydrolase enzyme could be developed into a drug against allergic reactions. One way it could be used is after a patient comes in contact with an allergen.

It may also be possible to take the drug on an ongoing basis, preventing severe allergic reactions before they happen.

More research is required before a drug can be developed.

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1 Ann Derby January 15, 2017 at 18:55

Hello, just trying to find further information about PAF Acetylhydrolase Enzyme. Went to hospital site but couldn’t find anything. Can you help?


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