Mold Allergy | Vegetable Mold | Mold Fee Diet | Allergy

Mold Allergy and Vegetables

by Allergy Guy

Mold allergies can be triggered by eating moldy vegetables.  Mold growth depends on the type of vegetable.  Allergy problems can be easily managed.

As far as mold growth and allergies go, different types of vegetables can be managed and inspected differently, according to how likely they are to grow mold, especially hidden mold that can not easily be seen on the surface.

Types of Vegetables and Mold Growth

People often classify certain types of fruits, such as zucchini and egg plant, as vegetables because they are not sweet and are eaten in the main course rather than desert.  They have seeds, they are fruit.

See the article “Mold Allergy and Fruit” for more information about managing fruit.  The main differences here are that low-sugar fruits develop mold more slowly than other fruits, and are usually stored in the fridge.

Leafy vegetables are usually easy to manage.  If the leaves look unappealing, most people remove them, mold or no.  Sometimes mold grows on the surface of some otherwise healthy-looking leaves.  This is usually very easy to notice.

Stalk vegetables such as celery rarely have a problem.  When they do, they are well past looking at all appealing, even ignoring mold growth and allergies.

Mold Allergy and Root Vegetables

Root vegetables cause more mold problems than most other types of vegetables.

Potatoes sometimes have mold pockets under the skin.

Although you can not see the mold on the surface, if you remove all of the eyes from the potatoes, you will probably remove the mold pockets as well.

The best way to to ensure you get rid of mold from potatoes is to peal them, then cut them in quarters to make sure there is no mold growth inside the potatoes.

Onions can grow mold just under the outer skin, or in one of the inner layers.

If you are very sensitive, be careful of the mold growing just under the outer skin of the onion, as the spores are more likely to spread.

All root vegetables should be stored in a cool dry place to avoid mold growth.

Vegetables are a very healthy and important addition to your diet.  Handle them properly to avoid mold problems, and this will improve your allergy problems.

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