List of Gluten Free Foods | Round Fish List 2 | Allergy

Gluten Free Foods – Fish (List of Round Fish – 2)

by Allergy Guy

Gluten free foods, there are lots of them!  This is one of a series on gluten free food and covers just some fish – a great basis for a gluten free meal.

Fish is an excellent source of protein and a great start to a gluten free meal.  And with so many varieties, you need not get bored having the same type of fish every time you eat gluten-free seafood!

If you have a gluten allergy or celiac disease, broadening your dietary options is important.  Read on to expand your gluten free diet.

Gluten Free List of Round Fish Part 2

When you buy fresh fish, it is naturally gluten free.  This article continues the series about round fish.  See the first article on round fish for the background.


Cod can grow to 6m (20 feet) long and 50kg in weight, although there are probably none of the larger fish left.  At one time plentiful, they were under-appreciated and over-cooked.  To make matters worse, they were frequently covered in gluten-laden flour, just the thing for someone with a gluten allergy or celiac disease.  Not.

Now that there are hardly any left, we appreciate them all of a sudden.  And they are less likely to be coated in wheat flour, especially if you or me are cooking them.

Line-caught fish are less likely to be damaged, and the alternative, trawling, is extremely damaging to the environment.  Why do the to the environment what gluten does to your body?

Most often, you can buy fillets or steaks.

Cod can be cooked in lots of ways.  Don’t overcook it or it won’t be all it could be.   You can cook it with stronger spices or other flavors if you like.  Grilling is not recommended as the texture will degrade.


These fish live on shoals in cold seas off Europe and North America.  They are called scrod in the US.  Similar to cod, they fish are smaller, the flesh more delicate and less flaky than cod.

Haddock is best in winter and early spring when the flesh is firmer.

When it comes to cooking, haddock is similar to cod.


Hake is found in most cold and temperate waters.  Like cod, it can be caught by trawling, and like cod, it has been over fished.  Line-caught is more sustainable and therefor preferable.  It is known as ling or whiting in the US.

The flesh looses consistency if not absolutely fresh so buy fresh and cook right away.  There is high wastage for whole fish – expect to eat 60% of what you buy unless filleted.  You can use the head to make fish soup so don’t throw it away, boil it instead!  If buying steaks, try to get them from near the head where the flavor is best.

You can poach, bake (with lemon and herbs!) and remember not to over-cook.


Ling is also in the cod family, but not to be confused with Hake which is also called Ling in the US.  It lives in the Atlantic.  Try to get line-caught.  You can bake the whole fish or fillets, or use it in soups, pies or casseroles.


These fish live in cold water.  The flesh is an unappetizing grayish colour, so they tend to be cheaper than cod.  The flesh does whiten during cooking.  They are also known as pollock, saithe and coalfish.

Be sure the fish is very fresh or it won’t be very nice.  This fish works well with strong flavours so it is perfect for soups, pies and casseroles.

Gluten Free Fish – More To Come

We’re part way through the list of round fish.  There is lots more about fish to come.  And the bigger series on gluten free foods has more than just fish!  Keep an eye on the series, it’s always growning!


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1 July 24, 2014 at 18:30

I have been gluten free for 17 years. For the last year or two, fresh fish has been giving me that same abdominal pain I associate with inadvertent gluten consumption. Do you know anything about what they are washing the fish with these days?


2 Allergy Guy July 26, 2014 at 07:42

What kind of fish are you eating? Is it fresh, whole fish? Frozen, ready to cook fish?


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