Gluten-Free Product Review | PatsyPie Chocolate Chip Biscotti | Allergy

Gluten-Free Product Review: PatsyPie Chocolate Chip Biscotti

by Allergy Guy

PatsyPie makes some excellent gluten-free cookies. I’ve not had a chance to review them all yet; this is the first, and several other reviews will be coming soon.

I like their biscotti recipe. When combined with the chocolate chips that they use, it is not as good as it could be. Good but not great.

They are not too sweet – which is a big plus. They seem to use quality ingredients over all.

For one thing, I think the quality of the chocolate they use could be improved. That would make a big difference.

I find the combined texture of the crisp biscotti and the soft chocolate chips a bit odd. You might like the combination fine, but in my opinion, I don’t really like the combo so much. I could get used to it though if they used better quality chocolate.

This is by no means a bad product. I think you should try it if you see it at the store. But I think you should try some of their other products first – almond biscotti for example, or snappy ginger.

As far as allergies go, their products are gluten free, but not necessarily nut-free. This particular recipe does not included nuts. It does contain rice, corn and eggs.

PatsyPie Chocolate Chip Biscotti Product Rating

Rating scale is from -3 (awful) through 0 (neutral) to +3 Excellent

Taste: 2 Tastes good but I prefer some of their other products.
Texture: 1 OK. Holds together well. I personally don’t like the combination of hard biscotti and soft chocolate chips, but you make love it.
Freshness 1 Tastes fresh, but some of their other products seem to be fresher.
Packaging 2 Convenient “standard” cookie packaging. Does not seal particularly well for freshness, but it does seem to keep the cookies pretty fresh some how.
Environmental 3 There could hardly be less packaging. There is a minimum of plastic (just a small window so you can see what’s inside.
Quality 2.5 -½ point for the chocolate chips.
Value 2 High quality. Not the cheapest gluten-free cookie on the shelf, but at least they give you something good for what you pay.
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