Quinoa article expanded | Allergy

Quinoa article expanded

by Allergy Guy

Quinoa is a very nutritious food, and an excellent addition to most people’s diet, especially if you are on a restricted diet such as gluten-free.

The quinoa article on this website has just been expanded and now has much more information about this great food.

Note that a small minority of people can not tolerate quinoa, as you will see from the comments.

Most people do very well on quinoa.

Read more about Quinoa.

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1 Andi April 5, 2014 at 03:55

I ate quinoa twice. First time I was kinda sick but didn’t know it was the quinoa. Second time ended up in the ER with major allergic reaction. No more quinoa for me :0(


2 Jocelyn January 16, 2014 at 22:56

Vomited 20min after eating quinoa for at least 2hours .?


3 Allergy Guy January 31, 2014 at 00:27

May or may not have been the Quinoa. What else did you have with it?


4 Verena July 16, 2012 at 10:55

What about Quinoa containing Lectin? You have another article saying that Lectin can cause immune responses since the body treats it like gluten (for people with gluten allergies and celiac) yet here you say it’s great for a gluten free diet?


5 Allergy Guy July 16, 2012 at 11:47

The point of the article on lectins is that some of them may cause a reaction for some people. It isn’t that lectins are a problem for people with a gluten allergy, and it doesn’t relate to celiac disease. The lectins in quinoa will be different. They may also cause a reaction but just because one reacts to wheat lectins does not mean to say one cannot eat quinoa. Hope that makes sense.


6 Vonnie April 11, 2012 at 11:13

Perhaps ur pain is caused by stomach gas. Beans are notorious for giving gas pains. Try soaking them before cooking. Not sure about the quinoa. Could be pain for a different reason.
Maybe eat smaller portions of gas causing foods and gradually build ur tolerance. Dring a warm beverage with ur meal like ginger tea.
Also try to rid ur self of the gas using the tips in the following link.


7 James July 13, 2010 at 21:43

I have a problem with eating beans. They give me extremely bad stomach aches. I figured this out years ago and haven’t had as mach pain since then. Yesterday, I had Quinoa for the first time and had the same type of stomach ache aftwerwards and into today (still have residual pain after going to Mothers Market and purchasing a ensime pill that cut the pain down. Is there anything that would suggest the quinoa caused it. It is the only new thing I have tried that may have given me such a reaction. Specifically, I had carrots, esparigus and mushrooms with the quinoa last night for dinner. It tasted very good, so I am kind of bummed. Although I love beans too.


8 Cherie April 1, 2010 at 12:36

Allergy to Quinoa?

I have allergies to seasame seeds and sunflower seeds. I was wondering if I would have an allergy to Quinoa as it is a type of seed? I have allergies to many other protein foods and finding it very hard to seek high protein foods other than meat. My other allergies to foods are: soy, eggs, legumes, ginger, pineapple, grapefruit, asparagus, milk, and I am wheat intolerant.


9 admin April 1, 2010 at 13:37

Can you experiment

Hi Cherie,

There isn’t a definite answer to your question.

Quinoa is in a different plant family from the others you mention.

Do you eat rice? That too is a seed.

The only what to know for sure is to try quinoa. If your reactions aren’t to severe, you might consider it. If your reactions are severe, then you will want to think twice.

Sorry I can’t be more definitive.


10 Douglas Metzger October 14, 2009 at 21:09

Quinoa mold

Hello, I like to add quinoa to my banana bread, it starts to mold within 5 days. Is there a remedy for this, a way to extend its shelf life? I also noticed a flu like symptom without the nausea, just chills and body aches. Can this be caused by the quinoa allergy?
I Boil it before adding it to the recipe, I was thinking of oven drying it after boiling to dry out the moisture and prevent the molding problem, or adding vinegar to the boiling liquid..

I do not know?


11 admin October 14, 2009 at 22:33

Dampness causes mold

Certainly if the boiled quinoa has too much moisture, that could cause more of a mold problem.

On the other hand, expecting home-made baking to last for ever is not realistic.

Store-bought baked goods are full of preservatives, so we get used to crappy food products with a long shelf life.

Rather than drying the quinoa in the oven, you might be able to cook it with less water.

Or how about adding quinoa flour to your banana bread?

As for the flute like symptoms you describe, they could possibly indicate an allergy.

The only way to know for sure it to notice if you get a similar reaction every time you eat a particular food.


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