Peanut Allergy | Allergy

Peanut Allergy

by Allergy Guy

The articles in this section relate to peanut allergies and nut allergies.
These two types of allergy may get separate sections in the future because they are related only in spelling. Peanuts are more like peas, and not at all like nuts. Peanuts are legumes and related to lentils and peas, but not tree nuts.

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1 Dean November 19, 2015 at 08:09

I am just on my way to hospital to have allergy screening for my 2 year old as her mum is really bad with peanuts. In the UK you can request a screening if you have suspicions of allergies.


2 admin November 19, 2008 at 19:11

Peanut allergy Sleuth!

Thanks for your comment. I’m sure your observations will be very helpful to other readers.

Here is a question: How did you find that you or your kids have a peanut allergy?


3 Anonymous November 19, 2008 at 17:08

peunut allergy

wow, my son is 13 and his vision therapist was very thorough about him having an allergy. I knew he had allergies, but didn’t know what. Years ago he was put on claritin for seasonal allergies. The season was (back to school). I just figured out that his dark circles would come back in Sep – March. That is when I would start making lunches with peanut butter sandwiches.
Also, I am relating his rage outbursts on the days he had the peaunut butter sandwiches.
He has no more dark circles. He had some peanuts with halloween candy, had a rage, and now is off peanuts, no rages…….
13 years……….


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