Comments on: White Wine Allergy Sulfites Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies Wed, 31 Aug 2016 22:56:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lizzie Wed, 31 Aug 2016 22:56:34 +0000 #comment-148285 In reply to Stacey.

just tripped across this post after drinking 2oz of Kim Crawford and getting immediate itchy peeling lips again (which has been torturing me for the last 2 years on and off with no explanation). Been to dermatologist and allergist and had every test in the book with no consensus. So exciting to find this site with some clues as to the source of the problem. I can drink other wines without immediate symptoms. Would welcome insights from others as to triggers to avoid. Have always had hay fever related allergies but this lip chelitis is new in the last two years (I am 52).

By: Stacey Wed, 13 May 2015 00:07:49 +0000 #comment-125927 In reply to Lisa.

for a year and a half, I have “chapped lips”…been to an allergist and two dermatologists….no anwers:( It started probably around the time I started drinking wine. I only drink white (Pinot Grigio). My lips and above top lip gets red, they are itchy and dry. I constantly need Vaseline on them. Then they peel! It’s gross and embarrassing. I’m wondering if it’s the sulfites in the white wine???

By: Brandy Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:35:39 +0000 #comment-123416 Let me start out by saying I love my white wine! I drink chardonnay on a weekly basis. However I have had a total of 2 allergic reactions and can only pin point that its a Sulfites allergy. My previous reaction was last Saturday. I drank about 3 glasses of Yellow Tail Chardonnay (which by the way is the grosses chardonnay ever) the next morning around 6am I was waken up by my a very upset stomach and had to go to the restroom. (sorry if this is too much info but I had loose stool) All of a sudden the palms of my hands started instantly inching as for my whole body. My lips instantly started to swell as for my fingers as and tongue as well. My whole body was red like I had been out in the sun all day. I took 2 Benadryl’s. I was burning up so I removed my clothes and laid on my cold bathroom tile floor which helped bring my body temp down and I could not stand up or I would get light headed. After 2 hours of this it all settled down and I felt like I was getting back to normal however that whole day my body was so sore and weak and the bottom of my feet hurt when I walked on them. The only thing I can think of that caused this reaction just like my previous one that was about 3 months ago is this type of wine. (yellow tail) The time I usually drink Kendall Jackson or Kim Crawford however I bought the bigger bottle of the Yellow Tail. Has anyone had something similar to this reaction after drinking this brand of wine???

By: Rosie Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:41:31 +0000 #comment-107373 I too cannot enjoy some white wines. Poor choice can give me reflux, a three day headache, nausea and often repetitive sneezing. One glass can start these symptons. Had one standard glass of Chardonnay with dinner at a pub last night and this morning still feel deeply nauseous !

By: Vanda Stanley Mon, 15 Jul 2013 15:51:43 +0000 #comment-16621 After reading all the comments, I am sadly coming to the conclusion that I am allergic to the wine I’ve become particularly fond of — white zin. I had to give up red wine because it was so irritating to my esophagus. So I was pretty happy when I found white zin–however, during the past year or so, the sneezing, sniffling, red itchy, stinging, watering eyes are driving me nuts. Plus, I look terrible! It was interesting to read the comments about oak — I live in Central Florida and the oak pollen is terrible, so that may enter into it.

By: Miss Anne Thu, 25 Oct 2012 02:24:50 +0000 #comment-13515 I’m not a wine person. I thought I’d give wine a try, so I stopped by BevMo and got myself a Moscato D’Asti, a dessert wine. AS SOON AS I got a my first sip down I started sneezing. At first I thought it was due to a cold draft coming in the window… WRONG. My mouth then began to itch like crazy followed by an endless minute of sneezing and sniffling. 🙁 I really wanted to give wine a try.
My other allergies are seasonal (hay fever) and latex/latex fruits (rash, itchiness). I also have had asthma since age 4.

Anyone with my similar symptoms?

By: Meg Wed, 29 Aug 2012 14:34:00 +0000 #comment-13123 I first discovered I had an allergy to wine while dining out about three years ago. I was drinking white wine (can not remember the brand) and I felt my body temp rise, my face turned bright red, and I broke out into hives. I thought it was the weather because it was a hot summer day. The second time I drank wine, a French red from CĂ´tes du RhĂ´ne, the same thing happened. I then tried trader joe’s non sulfate wine and again the same symptoms came about. I went to a derm to find out what was going on. She told me that I would not be able to drink wine, that an allergy developed and the symptoms were signs of my body rejecting wine. She asked if I had any other allergies or problems with foods/drinks. I said when I drank beer and ate pizza I became bloated and my stomach cramps up. She suggested that I take a gluten test. I did not take the gluten test, but I did cut gluten from my diet and noticed my stomach problems faded.

By: Wendy Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:25:11 +0000 #comment-12624 Noelle, you’re probably right about the mold (in your case) and in many others it would cause major problems…… I’ve just recently left all wines alone except for a brand from Chile; it’s called “Las Mulas” and it’s organic and biodynamic and I’ve had no issues with it at all….. it’s on the shelves here in the LCBO in Ontario and so far it’s easy to get….. there’s reds too, but haven’t seen it so far. This one is a Sauvignon Blanc and very reasonable and very good……. just a suggestion and a comment on your ‘mold’ question. I’m not expert, but it helps if we can share any info. or experiences here.

By: Noelle Wed, 04 Jul 2012 00:35:15 +0000 #comment-12395 I had a very bad reaction to one glass of Chardonnay. I had terrible headache, all the other stuff many of you have listed in above posts. I did a little online “research” and in the bottle that I had, it contained “Botrytis”, which is basically a type of mold.
The wine that I had was Mer Soliel. It was a very strong fruity flavored wine (about $39 per bottle)
I could tell as I was drinking it that my head was starting to hurt. I have also been aware for about 13 years that I must be allergic to some wine, but not all.
The mold thing would make sense to me, because I can remember feeling the same (a long time ago) when I was near mold.
Any one have any thoughts on this?

By: Wendy Sun, 19 Feb 2012 18:58:23 +0000 #comment-10302 Anne, I just finished reading your comments. Don’t let this stop you from having a glass of wine once in awhile; I believe if you try something else, say a Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio, you may not have the same result as with the chardonnay. For me, I believe the culprit was the oak barrels that chardonnays are kept in till they’re bottled. Most if not all sauvignon blanc are steel casks, so the wine doesn’t get any of the accumulated toxins in it as the oak barrels would have? Just my thoughts, I’m not an expert, but I can tell you that I have never had any reaction from the other two wines I’ve mentioned here, as I’ve had from chardonnay. I CAN’T even have a sip of chardonnay without all the horrible symptoms most here have mentioned. Good luck, and I’m sure your friend will still meet with you regardless of what you drink. I’ve been at homes where they only have chardonnay and I just say “no thanks”, it’s not worth it.
