Gluten Allergy and Ibuprofen | Allergy

Gluten Allergy and Ibuprofen

by Allergy Guy

Does gluten allergy have a link with Ibuprofen?  If you are a heavy user of ibuprofen, there could be a direct link, as explained here.

One of many possible gluten allergy causes is a leaky gut.  Read this comment by Rosemary, one of our readers, to get some context:

I began having night asthma; it happened every hour one time all night.

I began researching on Internet. I stopped wheat/gluten. All asthma symptoms stopped*.

I had celiac test — it said I did not have celiac.

At the same time, I stopped IBUPROFEN. I’d had it for 7 days a month since I was 13, about 40 years! Look up “Leaky Gut  Syndrome.” Doctors do not recognize it, but it fits me to a T.

It’s been 6 years. I ate a WHOLE LOAF of REAL bread, and I had no symptoms! It was placed in GF section of supermarket! I thought it was GF, but it wasn’t. SO… I’m wondering if my “gut” has HEALED since stopping Ibuprofen? I have no clue. But I will continue to eat gluten-free because I never want the chance of another asthma attack.

I’m also allergic to soy (stomach pains) and have pain if I eat any fruit but blueberries, Gala apples, and pears. Watermelon makes my throat close up.

NO ONE in my large family has any gluten allergies, so I’m thinking it’s all the fault of IBUPROFEN use (properly taken) for so long. I wish someone would study it!”

*See Wheat, Gluten and Asthma for more information on this.

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition where larger molecules and even partially digested food and bacteria finds it’s way into your bloodstream.  This causes all kinds of leaky gut symptoms, and can cause allergies, such as gluten allergy.

Ibubrofen over-use is known to deplete folic acid.  According to the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, folic acid deficiency “harms DNA metabolism, thus causing abnormal cellular development, especially in cells that have a higher rate of turnover. These include red blood cells, leukocytes, epithermal cells of the stomach, intestines, vagina, and uterine cervix”.

According to some sources, it is possible that ibuprofen affects the gut of some people more than others.  People with Crohn’s disease and their relatives seem more likely to develop leaky gut when they take ibuprofen.  This suggests that the same will happen for anyone who takes too much ibuprofen.

I suggest you limit your intake of ibuprofen.  Like any drug, it can be hard on the liver, and for many, on your gut.  If you have gluten allergy or Chron’s disease, I suggest you avoid it completely.

What are your experiences with ibuprofen?  Does it make your gluten allergy worse?  May this have caused your gluten allergy?  Please leave a comment.


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