Celiac Disease – What To Eat? | Allergy

Celiac Disease – What To Eat?

by Allergy Guy

Celiac disease!  What to eat?  Good question!  Here are some ideas to start you off.  There is a lot you can eat with a gluten free diet.

Be aware of what you must avoid, but don’t focus on it.  Instead, focus on what you can eat, and then verify that it doesn’t have anything in it, like wheat or barely, to spoil the fun.

This article will help you if you have celiac disease, a gluten allergy, or you’re on gluten free diet for any reason.

Gluten Free Products

Start with some ready-made gluten free products.  This isn’t necessarily the most healthy choice.  Not that all gluten free products are unhealthy, its just that many of them are processed food, and this is less healthy than whole foods.

In general, it is healthier to buy your own ingredients and cook them.

But when you’re starting out with a gluten free diet, you can’t afford to slip up.

Make life easy for yourself while you work out the details of what your new healthy diet will be.

A few snacks are good.  Check out your local health food store and ask to see the gluten-free section.  There may be several in one store, depending on now its organized.

Get something you can just grab and eat, like gluten free cookies, and gluten free bread.

Gluten Free Cooking

If gluten free ingredients are the only kind you have in the house, then you won’t slip up.

Other than for baking, you can generally use the recipes you’re used to, with a few substitutions.  If you get rid of gluten-infested food from the house, then anything you substitute will be ok to eat.

Here are a few gluten free staples:

  • Gluten free pasta
  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Fresh meat
  • Fresh fish
  • Canned fish
  • Vegetables of all kinds
  • Cooking oil
  • Spices
  • Herbs
  • Fruit
  • Jam *
  • Honey *
  • Nut butter
  • Whole nuts
  • Beans
  • Lentils

Just cruise the isles of the supermarket looking for basic ingredients.  You’ll find lots that is  completely gluten-free and perfect safe for your gluten allergy or celiac disease diet.

Celiac Disease and Gluten Free Diet Internal Links

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1 Luverne Tidwell May 26, 2012 at 12:52

I have had severe instant diarrhea , no warning, now I feel something at the end of my colon and when I go shopping I feel like I am passing feces and when I get home I usually have. My colon was checked three or four years ago and everything was fine. I took probatics for about half of a year and stopped, I am wondering if I should eat different or might have celiac or gluten allergies. What do you recommend that I do right now. I am trying to find out what i should be avoiding, I have been eating alot of raisin bran bread, eating white cakes. Thank you for answering me,


2 Allergy Guy May 27, 2012 at 16:38

I can’t necessarily give you the best advice, only from the point of view of if you have celiac or gluten allergy, or some other food allergy. But this may not be what you have.

You can try cutting out all gluten, every last bit, from your diet, and see if that clears things up.

If you suspect other foods, you can try cutting them out too.

Or you can reduce your diet to just a few key foods (see “Top 20 Food Allergies with Delayed Reactions” and “Self-Testing for Allergies” and and see if that helps.


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