Comments on: Yeast Allergy and Vinegar Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies Wed, 15 May 2019 22:07:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sally Wed, 15 May 2019 22:07:14 +0000 #comment-203766 I have a YEAST, excess sugar, wheat and corn allergies or should I say the truth it’s not an “allergy,” but my body is allergic to foods that have pesticides and junk on them, no longer tolerates. This includes basalmic vinegar which I used to marinate my meat and fish in and after wards noticed bad break out of cold sores on my lips and or gas/bloating. I used to love eating pickles and sauerkraut and that too has fermination my body fuels as sugar for Candida albicans I have in my gut. I have that nasty yeast overgrowth in my gut, vagina, ear’s and nasal cavity. How do I know this? BECAUSE I have itchy ear’s, itchy palms, dry white flaky itchy feet and extreme exhaustion. I Heard the apple cider vinegar was good for killing “Candida albicans.” But, I believe it’s ALL nonsense consumerism to buy raw apple cider vinegar or probiotics did NOTHING for me, what did work were digestive enzymes, raw organic foods cheese goat kefir included. Those and anti parasite herbs along with daily fiber intake HELPED me flush out those bad guys bacteria trying to kill my immune system and LIFE. I again tested “Apple cider vinegar,” to see if my body really could tolerate it or Not? Last week I added some raw ACV to my gluten free teff and buckwheat flour mix along with a little baking soda and sea salt [ was trying to make gluten free Ethopian flat tortillas] to my amazement the flat vegan tortillas came out perfect. However, after I ate just one with a little raw honey and coconut sugar. My throat became coarse like flu type symptoms of mucous production and clear nasal drip along with a nice huge cold sore blister flare up on my upper and inner mouth lips. Horribly confirmed. I’m totally allergic to ALL types of vinegars and yeast in ALL form of drinks, sauces, foods, additives, ANYTHING. So, No! Maybe you can put ACV up your tutu to kill a YEAST infection, but NOT drink orally. It fuels that Candida to keep on growing and munching away.

By: Dana Mon, 30 Apr 2018 13:34:41 +0000 #comment-160187 In reply to Kasia.

Hi Kasia, just read your post and can relate. I too am allergic to eggs gluten, dairy, yeast and several grains and herbs. What do you eat for breakfast? I used to eat oatmeal but just tested positive for that as well…so frustrating! I was looking at grits or tapioca. So you avoid all sugar and vinegar due to your yeast allergy?

By: A.RUDNICKI Fri, 16 Feb 2018 02:56:09 +0000 #comment-158500 In reply to Kasia.

Dear Kasia, am 55 and also have allergies. My advice–take calcium 1000mg for 2 months, then cut down to 500mg a day regularly.
Take vit d3 10 ug for 2 months and cut down to 5ug daily after. Take iodine 300mg daily — v. Important !! Drink herbal teas and plenty of water. Relax and believe that jesus can heal you !! He will also give you wisdom about your own body. Angela

By: Joe O'Rourke Fri, 29 Dec 2017 19:04:57 +0000 #comment-157796 Some vinegar can have carry over yeast cells, Unfiltered vinegar such as raw cider vinegar should be avoided. However, wine vinegar and spirit vinegar as used in ketchup is filtered after fermentation to remove not only the large yeast cells but also the much smaller acetobacter cells. Bearing in mind the small amounts of vinegar consumed it is hard to see an allergy risk in filtered vinegar.

By: Kasia Sun, 24 Dec 2017 20:57:37 +0000 #comment-157713 In reply to London Allergy Therapist.

Marku, you mentioned you are allergy Therapist, I am struggling unbelievably here…. is cooked vinegar has got the same values in the connection to yeast allergy…. I am allergic to gluten, yeast, eggs, milk, lamb,and secondary corn,wheat,agave,salmon,trout,grape,beef and duck…. living disaster

By: Sandro Thu, 16 Mar 2017 18:00:10 +0000 #comment-152256 In reply to Rachel.

I got this book on allergies and safe foods for an elimination diet this mentioned for people with sensitivities.. safe foods: were rice, white is more gentle than brown, lentils this is a legume like peanuts, (If lentils bother you split peas seem gentle too for me, although split peas were not on the list. legume and rice make complete protein I believe,)also squash all types, sweet potatoes (I eat lots of these), pears, cranberries, beets, parsnips, lettuce, millet, tapioca.
Another list in this book was for starter foods for babies which Says “low allerginicity”: rice, qiuinoa, amaranth, tapioca, millet, yams, sweet potatoes, squash (all types) parsnips, carrots, green beans, beets, broccoli, kale, potato, cabbage.pears, blueberries, peaches, banana, apricots. Take it easy on fruit if you have a candida overgrowth. In this baby starter foods there are no protein foods except quinoa, maybe amaranth. Just soak them overnight before cooking or for few hours to take off saponins. These starter foods Maybe a tiny bit harder to digest than safe foods but still safer than most foods.
I learned to make bread and cookies with ingredients I could tolerate. They turn out delicious too. The main thing you need for cookies is a soft fruit or mashed fruit and a starch or flour. For example mashed bananas with oatmeal, few teaspoons of baking powder, few tablespoons of oil and other ingredients, nuts, peanut butter, dry fruit, chocolate chips whatever. Bake 350 for about 20 minutes or until the firmness you desire. I even bake mine longer. You could also make savory bread or cookies. So what if it doesn’t get fluffy. Taste great. Just experiment with different things like mashed up potatoes or sweet potatoes, maybe type of flour there are so many brown or white rice, sorghum, nut flours, bean flour, some oil, salt, and just about anything you want, onions, veggies, poppy seeds, get creative. But the cookies I mentioned will taste good with peanut butter and honey on top. Also, take probiotics to boost you immune system. If you are ok with peanut butter you might try non gmo soy.p (also a legume) Has complete protein. Enjoy the cookies.

By: Szaki Thu, 07 Jul 2016 08:09:35 +0000 #comment-146821 In reply to kris brahmer.


There’s number of breads or baked goods that are gluten free, rice bread, potato bread, flex seed bread etc….
Avoid any wheat base product, if you are sensitive to wheat!
You have to test it out, what cause your problems.
I get reaction to white vinegar some times, but not to apple cider.

By: Rachel Mon, 06 Jun 2016 08:05:37 +0000 #comment-145875 In reply to kris brahmer.

A friend gets UTIs from vinegar. She was in bed for four days, with headaches also. I noticed joint pain, headaches, fibro like pains, a scratchy stomach and feeling like biting in the colon.

I hope you’re feeling better. I had some problems with some doctors promoting vinegar as a health food, ugh! I get acid reflux later at night, about 5 hours later. Sometimes edema , is common with vinegar intolerance, and it can make arthritis worse. IBS is a big problem, a hot feeling in the digestive system also.

By: Rachel Mon, 06 Jun 2016 07:53:11 +0000 #comment-145872 I had balsamic vinegar dressing and get joint pain, headaches and IBS. NEVER again will I have vinegar. I can have Ranch Dressing though. Can’t eat bread either, or donuts, pastry etc.

Another interesting symptom, is very hungry the next day. I don’t drink alcohol , so I don’t know the reaction I’d get from it. My parents didn’t allow it in the house.

By: Steph Sun, 17 Jan 2016 06:08:13 +0000 #comment-138934 In reply to kris brahmer.

This may be of no help, but my mom had chronic bladder infections until I discovered it was caused by a drug she was taking. Once she got off the presc drug she no longer had the infections.
