{"id":393,"date":"2007-03-01T13:32:04","date_gmt":"2007-03-01T13:32:04","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2014-05-15T12:39:15","modified_gmt":"2014-05-15T16:39:15","slug":"avoiding-food-allergies-country","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.allergy-details.com\/allergy-travel\/avoiding-food-allergies-country\/","title":{"rendered":"Avoiding Food Allergies by Country"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"AllergyThis section contains a list of countries. Navigating to the country will give you a brief summary of the typical food in that country, which food allergies are easiest to avoid in that country, and which are hard to avoid.<\/p>\n


If you find any errors, please notify us – the best way is by using the comment form at the bottom of each page.<\/p>\n

Feel free to add information as well. You can also use the contact Allergy Details<\/a> form to reach me.<\/p>\n


What Country do You Want Information About?<\/h3>\n

Most of the content on this website is driven by visitor demand<\/strong>. If I see that people are looking for certain information, or if people leave a comment requesting information, I try to accommodate them!<\/p>\n

For which countries do you need allergy-related food information<\/strong>? Leave a comment<\/strong> and let me know. I will keep that in mind as I develop this section.<\/p>\n