{"id":18,"date":"2007-05-16T18:36:16","date_gmt":"2007-05-16T18:36:16","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2014-05-15T12:42:03","modified_gmt":"2014-05-15T16:42:03","slug":"types-yeast","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.allergy-details.com\/yeast-allergy\/types-yeast\/","title":{"rendered":"Types of Yeast"},"content":{"rendered":"

Of the many types and strains of yeast<\/a>, Candida albicans (responsible for candidiasis<\/strong><\/a> i.e. yeast infections<\/a>) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (responsible for bread<\/a>, beer<\/strong> and other fermented foods<\/strong><\/a>) are most significant to your health<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Fermented Foods<\/h1>\n

Fermentation<\/strong> is a very common – and ancient – method of processing food. bread<\/strong><\/a> and beer<\/strong> are the most well know examples in the western world.<\/p>\n

Many people find that they become tired after drinking beer or wine<\/strong><\/a>. You may laugh, but I’m not talking about dozens of drinks. Just a single drink<\/strong> makes some people sleepy, yet they can drink spirits<\/strong> such as gin or vodka.<\/p>\n

Becoming tired after eating bread<\/strong><\/a> is another common complaint. There are several possible causes<\/a>, one of which is a yeast allergy<\/a>.<\/p>\n

The most common strain of yeast used in baking<\/strong> and brewing<\/strong> is Saccharomyces cerevisiae<\/strong>, although other strains are also used. Originally, this type of yeast may<\/em> have been derived<\/strong> from grape<\/strong> skins<\/strong>, on which yeast naturally grows<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

The term fermentation<\/strong> does not always<\/strong> involve yeast<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

Another form<\/strong> of fermentation is lactic acid fermentation<\/strong>. For example, yogurt<\/strong> involves bacteria<\/strong> not yeast.<\/p>\n

Fermenting tea<\/a><\/strong> is not microbial at all in most cases – it simply means that the tea has been oxidized<\/strong>.<\/p>\n


Candidiasis<\/strong> is the medical term for a yeast infection. It can occur in any area of the body, especially exposed and moist parts of the body.<\/p>\n

Common types, include:<\/p>\n