Comments on: Cashew Allergy Question Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies Thu, 15 May 2014 16:43:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carmelite Wed, 26 Jan 2011 03:03:44 +0000 #comment-6711 I’m confused b/c I seem to react to cashew butter made with roasted cashews, but not to raw cashews (what is sold as raw in the store, anyway, which I know means they are steamed). The butter gives me gas, tiny blisters on my lips that don’t itch, an itchy anus, headaches and a runny nose. The nuts themselves don’t cause a problem. Maybe it is just a quantity issue since I am probably consuming more cashew when I eat butter than when I just have a handful of nuts? Is this a nut allergy or am I reacting to some trace amount of the toxin that is not being processed out correctly? I have never had any food or other allergies, but do react fairly strongly to urushiol. This cashew butter reaction just developed a couple of years ago, and seems to be getting worse with repeated exposure. My sensitivity to urushiol seems to have increased recently as well. I am 30 years old.
