Comments on: Is Spelt Safe for a Wheat-Free or Gluten-Free Diet? Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies Fri, 02 Feb 2018 20:46:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kay Fri, 02 Feb 2018 20:46:26 +0000 #comment-158254 In reply to No Gluten.

I am also a Vesicotonia constitution and have tried everything before finding ‘8 Constitutional Medicine’. I agree wholeheartedly with you that changing my diet like you listed above has radically improved my health, the weight is just falling off of me so easily and I have more energy than I had as a young child. I definitely recommend others to look into this wonderful form of preventive and corrective health medicine. It is life-changing!

By: Sandra J. Swaan Sun, 05 Mar 2017 05:08:57 +0000 #comment-151925 Horrible symptoms within a few hours of eating small amount of Spelt in homemade gluten-free bread. Large amounts of gas, intestinal discomfort and spasms, elevated blood pressure, agitation and discomfort. Irregular heart beat, too.

By: Allergy Guy Sat, 04 Feb 2017 17:54:24 +0000 #comment-150972 In reply to lynda.

Spelt flour is unlikely to affect you worse than regular wheat flour, so if you don’t have a problem with wheat, then spelt is probably OK. If you have a problem with wheat, then spelt might be less bad, but is probably still not good.

The best, and only, way to know for sure is to stop eating spelt and see what happens; then start again and see if you notice a difference.

By: lynda Thu, 02 Feb 2017 18:10:26 +0000 #comment-150913 Hi I am inquiring on spelt flour. I have been eating bread that is made of spelt flour. I have been exsperientcy cramping in my lower part of my body. Would trying this different bread made with spelt flour would upset my stomach in any way, I have been eating this bread for one week now. Could someone please get to me on this subject. Thanks

By: Brenda Brooks Tue, 10 Jan 2017 22:24:02 +0000 #comment-150258 I have a wheat intolerance but have just started to make bread with white spelt flour and have found that I can tolerate it and it tastes good. I am expecting a weight gain!!

By: Allergy Guy Sat, 07 Jan 2017 04:13:57 +0000 #comment-150144 In reply to Mary-Ann.

Thanks for your comment, Mary-Ann. Increased awareness of allergies, especially GF, is great, but it comes at a price: people think they know what GF is and other people, like us, believe them! I “always” ask regardless (I try to make it always) – as in “oh great! What’s in it?” – which could be taken as “how do you make this GF, that’s amazing” or “um, I don’t quite trust you, what’s in it?”. The intent is the second meaning but I hope the first is taken.

By: Mary-Ann Thu, 05 Jan 2017 20:15:34 +0000 #comment-150105 Today we had a morning tea and was told what was GF i was very excited as prior to working in the team i could never eat anything but fruit as it was always just too hard to cater GF. In my current team we have a number of Celiacs (my self) and people with Gluten intolerances & alergies – so its amazing to feel so considered and included when they do team functions.

Anyway because of the high GF awareness i trusted people when told the food was GF. Si yesterday i had this amazing coconut banana cake & asked for the recipe from one of the serious alergy GF people who baked it who was also my Branch manager. She rattled off list of ingredients and sure enough she used spelt because she was sure it was GF.

A very awkward moment followed as there are about 6 of us in the team and we are all affected differently. I had eaten 2 pieces earlier & was half ay through another & stopped & put in the bin.
I’d never had spelt before, so i treated this as a bit of an experiment. I found it didn’t effect my gut in the same way (which usually I’d feel gluten affects with 20-30 min), but after 6-8 hrs clearly it affected my memory as i lost my car at the shopping centre last night. It was like a complete blurr. I had no recal what so ever. Its now the next morning & I’ve got that all too familiar groggy unslept feeling even though I’ve slept a good 7hrs.
Thanks for the article – I’ll just have to keep that same cautios approach to food again.

By: Julie willson Sun, 24 Jul 2016 18:42:58 +0000 #comment-147238 I have been wheat intolerant since 2002. I have eaten gluten free bread like genius and supermarket brands. They were mostly ok but crumbly and holey, however in the last few years all the bakeries making these breeds have been adding pysillium husk or beet fibre or pea fibre unfortunately I reach badly to all these. It’s like I’ve eaten wheat and believe me it’s not nice, stomach cramps, persistently going to the toilet, being violently sick and migraines. Genius breads just told me to eat the bread they make without pysillium husk unfortunately I still have all the symptoms described above. Does anyone have any ideas please as to what I can do.

By: NutritionWoman Fri, 04 Sep 2015 02:05:25 +0000 #comment-132865 In reply to JoG.

Certified organic cannot be Genetically Modified at the same time
If a product is labelled non GMO it does not mean that it is certified organic
Please be aware of this distinction

By: Dan Hayes Fri, 24 Oct 2014 18:18:14 +0000 #comment-84663 Thank you very much; this was quite helpful and saved me a nasty turn. I had never thought of spelt as safe for me until a friend assured me it was quite alright and had no gluten.

We’re still friends 🙂
