Comments on: How long to see benefits of gluten free diet? Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies Tue, 15 Jan 2013 19:47:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Renaulta S. Taylor Tue, 15 Jan 2013 19:47:42 +0000 #comment-15259 I believe that I have some sort of Gluten disorder. I was tested for Celiac Disease last week and the test came back negative. I hope the test was correct because I have Sarcoidosis and I don’t need both. I only started on a Gluten free diet 14 days ago. I guess I expected immediate results. I felt better immediately but the symptons of Gluten have really been bothering me today. My head hurts worst than ever.

I did not know that it might take two months to get the gluten out of my system. I am going to have allergy test next wednesday.

By: Allergy Guy Mon, 13 Jun 2011 22:49:20 +0000 #comment-7840 In reply to Kay24.

It will probably take a while, but you should see improvement within a week I would think. It may take several weeks before most of the symptoms subside. This probably varies but I hope that gives you some sort of idea. Others may have a different experience so I hope they add their comments too.

By: Kay24 Mon, 13 Jun 2011 15:40:01 +0000 #comment-7836 Hello, I found out I have Coeliac in April I’m really trying to cut gluten out and thought I was doing well but accidentally slipped up and had kebab meat, wish I am buying for now. How long if you slip up will it take to get out your system? Any ideas please?

By: Guest Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:37:23 +0000 #comment-5434 Celiac

If your period has dissapeard for 3yrs due to celiac, how long after a gluten free diet will it return?
