Comments on: Celiac Disease and Thyroid Disease Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies Wed, 17 Mar 2010 13:27:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Wed, 17 Mar 2010 13:27:00 +0000 #comment-5382 In reply to linda glasscock.

Celiac disease and hashimotos

Hi Linda,

My understanding is that if a celiac with thyroid problems goes on a gluten free diet, the condition will usually improve.

There is no guarantee that this is always the case. And we can’t be sure how much it will help.

The point is that anyone with a thyroid problem has a higher chance of celiac disease than average. And in this case, going on a gluten free diet usually helps.

I hope that in your daughter’s case, it helps a lot! Please come back and leave a comment as you find out more.

As for fluoride, I can’t say if it might have caused your daughter’s problems or not.

I do know that it is a dangerous chemical. According to a book that I’ve heard about but not yet read, fluoride was first added to water to prove that it is safe, because it is known to be dangerous.

Yes, you read that correctly the first time.

I think that your daughter would find $immunocal$ very beneficial.

By: linda glasscock Wed, 17 Mar 2010 12:28:53 +0000 #comment-5381 My 17 year old daughter was

My 17 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with hashimotos. Her antibodies were around 7 or 8 hundred. I recently read that if you take armour or synthroid it could lower the antibody numbers and possibly lower the antibody count. I recently found a functional medicine physician who is running tests on her for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Initially i saw an endocrinologist who very matter of fact told me that there was nothing to do but wait for her thyroid to be attacked and she would have to take synthroid for life. She refused to consider putting her on low dose armour. This new doctor immediately put her on a low dose of armor and she thinks it might be helping a little. Its only been a few weeks. If the test comes back positve for celiac is it possible to reverse the antibodies by going gluten free? She also has an allergy to mold, has a history of being anemic as a little girt. I used to give her flouride tablets and flouridated water until she was 8 and developed flouridousis spots on her teeth. Could these things have caused the problem if she doesnt have celiac?
