Comments on: Allergy Medication Can Cause Depression – Allergy Medication Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies Thu, 15 May 2014 16:43:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allergy Guy Mon, 10 Sep 2012 03:09:18 +0000 #comment-13164 In reply to Jenna.

I had someone remark on another thread that cutting out gluten not only almost completely eliminated asthma, but also reduced seasonal allergies. I wonder if cutting out all gluten might work as well or better than taking allergy meds for some people?

By: Jenna Mon, 10 Sep 2012 02:29:08 +0000 #comment-13163 In reply to Joe Reinke.


That was the worst for me… The other medications (singulair especially) caused it, I think, but Xyzal taken with them is bad… It made the bad have more of an edge. I guess it was the irritability, but it made things A LOT worse. Getting rid of Xyzal took the edge off the depression… Sadly, Xyzal was the only one that worked on me. Scary little medication… I only had a tiny dose.

By: Jenna Mon, 10 Sep 2012 02:22:45 +0000 #comment-13162 In reply to Sandy.

Hey! Similar thing happened to me!
I was 15 when I noticed it was my allergy medication, but I was never diagnosed with depression. A friend of mine suffered severe depression after changing allergy medication, too. It’s true, all of this about allergy medication. For me, I had been taking Zyrtec for years, then taken off that, and put on Singulair (causing depression) and Xyzal (severely aggravating it). Bad idea. You either have to get them off the meds, or go through cheering them up yourself, which is not an easy process… I got off all allergy medications (except benedryl as needed) and my friend was cheered up while still taking them. This was NOT easy. Actually, it was REALLY BAD. I recommend just stopping allergy medication now, and try to move on from there as you can.

By: Joe Reinke Tue, 03 Jul 2012 18:33:02 +0000 #comment-12379 I’ve tried every OTC allergy med including zyrtec, claritin, allegra, benedryl, etc… I’ve tried prescription singulair and xyzal. They all make me extremely depressed, apathetic, and tired. I’ve never felt so horrible in my life before taking any of these meds. I think xyzal has the least side effects but still unbearable enough to decide that living with the allergies is better than the medicine. I can sit down at any time during the day and fall asleep while on any of these meds.

By: Allergy Guy Sun, 03 Jun 2012 02:48:41 +0000 #comment-11636 In reply to Sandy.

I believe there may be information on the FDA website, but I do not have the links to hand. Hope that helps. Sorry I don’t have more for you at present.

Do please keep us posted as things develop. Best of luck.

By: Sandy Fri, 01 Jun 2012 21:53:30 +0000 #comment-11618 This is very time relevant and urgent for me because out of the blue my 15 year old has been diagnosed with severe depression. My child has been taking Claritin or Allegra for allergy relief for over 8 years now. I am very interested in understanding more about this and I would like to take back some research to the doctor treating my child to help make the treatment better. Can you please direct me to more research on this specific link between allergy medication and depression please. We are really scrambling at this point to get a handle on the situation with my child. This could very well mean keeping my child alive. Thanks

By: Allergy Guy Mon, 16 May 2011 17:16:04 +0000 #comment-7527 In reply to Riley Davidson.

I’m glad you found the cause of your depression.

You may want to visit an allergist who can give you desensitizing allergy shots so that you stop reacting to your allergy triggers.

By: Riley Davidson Tue, 10 May 2011 03:46:23 +0000 #comment-7488 Hey I actuly found this extreamely interesting because iv been having alot of trouble getting out of bed in the morning and going to school ( which I already hate ) ever since I started to take my perscription allergy medication and wondered why. And to be Honest I had alot of symptoms of depression ( sleeping alot……. Alot! As well as the gut feeling of depression ) as well. I’m 17 and was prescribed pms- cetirizine 20mg and have only been taking half a pill! Last season I took a full pill and got very depressed and well a tires literally all the time which led to even more sleeping!

I think people should know about this, I’m going to try and not use allergy medacation and only use eye drops so I can wear contacts because feeling depressed sucks !

By: Allergy Guy Fri, 28 Jan 2011 13:51:09 +0000 #comment-6721 In reply to Sol.

Interesting point, I don’t know how long the effects take to wear off – probably it varies. Do please share your experience when you’re feeling better.

I don’t know about homeopathic allergy meds but suspect that they do not cause this effect.

By: Sol Fri, 28 Jan 2011 01:51:38 +0000 #comment-6720 Whoa. I took Benadryl a few days ago- how long do you think it takes for these side effects to wear off?
And do you think homeopathic allergy meds would also do this?
